Please feel free to drop in to any class in Wilton or West Kingston.
Bath, Tuesdays, 6pm at St. John's Hall * ($60 + tax for 8 class session) No per class rate. Sponsored by Loyalist Recreation Department
Wilton, Wednesdays, 10am at Wilton Hall, 251 Simmons Rd, Wilton ($10 per class)
Amherstview, Thursdays, 6pm at Community Hall *($60 + tax for 8 class session) No per class rate. Sponsored by Loyalist Recreation Department
West Kingston, Fridays, 10am at St. Andrew's by the Lake Church, 1 Redden Street, West Kingston ($15 per class, 10 classes for $120)
To register for classes in Bath or Amherstview,
please call
Amy Purvis
Recreation Programs Coordinator
Loyalist Township Recreation Department
322 Amherst Drive
Amherstview, ON K7N 1S9
613.389.3648 ext. 211