Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring Session begins week of March 28, 2011!

Start yoga with Jane for 8 weeks starting the week of March 28 ending in mid May.

Please feel free to drop in to any class in Wilton or West Kingston. 

Bath, Tuesdays, 6pm at St. John's Hall * ($60 + tax for 8 class session) No per class rate. Sponsored by Loyalist Recreation Department

Wilton, Wednesdays, 10am at Wilton Hall, 251 Simmons Rd, Wilton ($10 per class)

Amherstview, Thursdays, 6pm at Community Hall *($60 + tax for 8 class session) No per class rate. Sponsored by Loyalist Recreation Department

West Kingston, Fridays, 10am at St. Andrew's by the Lake Church, 1 Redden Street, West Kingston ($15 per class, 10 classes for $120)

To register for classes in Bath or Amherstview, 
please call 
Amy Purvis
Recreation Programs Coordinator
Loyalist Township Recreation Department
322 Amherst Drive
Amherstview, ON K7N 1S9
613.389.3648 ext. 211